Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Lishman Journal – Day 36

Well good evening one and all.  My Monday was quite full but the afternoon proved to be rather annoying.  We had all been asked to attend a Community Meeting both on Monday and on the usual Thursday.  Told this was a new unit request and that please would we all attend at 4pm, I moved my physio appointment  especially.  So I’m sat in the dining room at 3:50, armed with my notebook and pen, primed by Francis’ previous attempts at raising and resolving patient issues.  I was still sat there alone at 4:15 and so went in search of a staff member to enquire as to the delay.  Well, long story short, the meeting never happened!  It was blamed on one person who in fact it was not, but I eagerly await Thursday now to see what occurs!! 
But now the clouds have lifted and the reason becomes clear……………..I’ve found out it’s a Care Quality Commission requirement!!!!  So the box is ticked??

David(2) returned  from his jaunt to A&E at 11:30pm sporting a rather fetching blue wrist support splint and a headache, but managed to be smiling at breakfast :-)

Don’t think I told you this, but a few days ago our plastic bag bin-liners were removed in the unit bedrooms, apparently because someone had “misused” one……………..???  Well today I walked into my room after the cleaner had been and found NO bin at all!!!!  Yes folks, we must be truly unsafe because now the unlined metal bin has been classified a bacteriological hazard (no kidding!) and apparently we are awaiting delivery of BROWN PAPER BAGS!!!  Quite what we do with our garbage meanwhile I have no idea………….
Tuesday evening was a rather special one.  Whilst Leoni is rather under the weather, it fell upon Annie, David(2) and I to enter the Wii Olympics!  So after dinner (a delicious chicken brown stew which needless to say I did NOT have, sticking to egg mayonnaise and rice salad), the three of us retired to the Wii Blue Room (or Conference room, with wonderful air conditioning) and went 10-pin bowling!!  Technically challenged these days, particularly in the art of Wii games machines, we eventually managed to get the second controller to operate and played a few reasonable games, amid raucous laughter and very heightened emotions!  A Wii bit of Golf and Tennis followed, but I think by then either the enthusiasm or our attention span waned and it was all put away for the night well before supper!J

My treatment for today consisted of half an hour (she was late) of physio exploring my back problems and a half hour CBT session exploring my mind problems, or rather, searching for some, as we still have not discovered the nasty little traumas that may have conspired to put me here!  These sessions have been split as I couldn’t manage a full hour each time, having previously wasted much of the last half hour of them in seizure or “treacle” mode.  Next on the agenda, after “Mindfulness” is to come a little bit of Meditation……………intrigued as I tend to spend half the day staring out of the dining room window at the building works going on with not a thought in my head J
I didn’t have chance to post this last night, so Wednesday has now been and almost gone.  I sit in the dining room eating tomato soup, following a supper of 3 slices of toast and jam.  I hasten to add the soup was very much an afterthought due to it being made especially for another patient who then promptly refused it.  Waste not want not…………….but my digestion might protest a little later!!!

A mixed day today. Was used as a guinea pig to train another 2 student doctors, well 3 years apparently……… you think the staff send them my way because my extensive medical history and way of meandering through it bores the pants off them???? J  (not literally of course, they were nice young lady doctors-to-be) J
David(2) decided he like Kings A&E sooooo much he gave the floor a big big hug this morning and spent 4 hours looking for the TV cameras…………………back for lunch sporting a sling and promise of yet another outing tomorrow to be casted for a broken hand!  (What patients will do to get outta here!!) J

My physio session proved interesting as she found my right ankle quite swollen again, well they both are, but as usual the right is worst presumably due to the damage done by the DVT.  Remember being warned about possible future issues…………….looks like I’ll have to resurrect the TEDs!!!!  (wonder where I put them – sock drawer?).
Looking forward to tomorrow as I’ve been promised a Shopping Trip!!!!!  Wheelchair at the ready and cast a pray to the weather gods for no rain because this guy has NO raincoat/jacket/waterproof!!!!  In need of supplies and maybe even a new shirt..............

See you all soon my lovely family of FNDHope’rs


  1. Get better Duncun enjoy your blogs..

  2. Hi duncan. Only just found your blog. Am lay in bed pressing back back to get to the start. Glad to read your doing ok an making new friends. My physio has recomended relaxation. Sound like your doing core strengthing exercises which my physio get me to do. Luckly my physio went to the meeting in birmingham which bridget attended. Sound like its a nice friendly place to be. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Best wishes. Bev becks
