Saturday, 11 January 2014

The Lishman Journal - Day 11

Oh dear, so much harder than I ever dreamed to adjust and acclimatize to such a change in surroundings.  Although I am still in my 2 week “get to know you” phase and as such have no scheduled treatments, I am finding I have so little time to do anything productive (like writing here or keeping up with the Fb groups). J

The last week has been a whirl of cacophony and triggers.  After my quiet, hermit-like existence back in Hampshire, Camberwell in general and the Lishman unit in particular is one long round of noise, light, smells, stimulation and communication.  There must be so many naughty people living around here because the police sirens are pretty well non-stop; even 5am this morning.  But the “locals” don’t notice them, or the aircraft that bounce off the roof every 2 minutes, or even the slamming doors………………do you think maybe I am hyper sensitive to noise???? Hmmm, maybe so J

Just had my first “outing”.  20 minutes in a very watery sun and almost reached the main entrance before the seizures once again got the better of me.  So now I know even the effort of wheeling a chair is a trigger.  Well, at least I know now my limits at the start…… to see where I can go by the end on my stay!

And now to Monkey.  I’ve lost track of the suggestions received (sorry), but one sticks in my mind along with so many brilliant ideas.  And so Endeavour has been officially named………..and here he is reclining in the comfy bed, along with an idea of my room for another 10 weeks or so.  Thank you all so much for your suggestions and he, (at least I guess “Endeavour” is male?), may well yet come to have additional names.

A warm and friendly atmosphere, just like home really! :-)

And so tea time long round of food and much for losing a couple of stone whilst I'm here! :-)
I do hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend.  see you again soon............... xx 


  1. Deborah Smith McDonald12 January 2014 at 08:55

    Your room does look homey. I love Endeavor, where'd you get him. I am sure all of us on the boards and on FB understand that you can't be on all the time. I know I just want you to get better. Love you my friend!

    1. Hi Deborah, if you look back a couple of posts, Endeavour's origins are explained. He and his fellow Sock Monkeys are cared for and nurtured from gestation by Jessica and Terri-ann Sherwood, sponsored by fellow members of FND Hope and placed with caring companions throughout the world. If you feel able to care for a FNDHope Sock Monkey you can reach Jessica through the Facebook group or myself :-)

  2. Endeavor was Inspector Morse's name too :-)
