Monday, 20 January 2014

The Lishman Journal - Day 20

Well another Monday come and heading out of the door swiftly.  I had my FIRST ward round today!  Was called into a room (fortunately air-conditioned), full of about 15 people, all parts of my “Multi Disciplinary Team”, most of whom I had never met! J  So pleased I learned the art of either “tuning out” those who are not directly in touch with me in such meetings or imagining a certain lack of clothing to reduce their imposing status! J  Concentrate on the Consultant and ignore the rest J

Seemed like an hour and was probably only 5 minutes really, but first one is always the worst.  Next time I’ll have more questions and be a little more with-it I hope.  My daily seizure tally is reducing each day which I do like.  Even with no specific treatments, it appears that exposure to all my triggers is inuring me to their effects………………….well, I hope so anyway.

I was due my first physio session today also but 4pm came, then 4:30pm and finally 5pm and no physiotherapist……… ??  (Francis reckons maybe my reputation preceded me and scared her off…………. J)

The lighting continues to be a source of irritation, but lessening also.  They have gone “green” and installed LED replacement tubes, but not changed the diffusers……oh naughty, naughty penny pinchers!  I’ve also noted the emergency light fitting that’s in alarm, the empty air freshener and the broken ventilation fan………………….really like going back to work, but totally frustrated, without the ability to actually FIX the darn things coz I can’t get my tools!!! J

Dear Annie returned this morning from home leave and much as it saddens me she is away from her family, it sure was lovely to have her back in “the group”.  Such a sweetheart, she complements the awesome Francis and Leoni as part of our “get fit again” group with great kind-heartedness, humanity and cognizance; sadly lacking, or rather suppressed qualities in current society.
Meals today were, shall we say “intriguing”, but as usual I have eaten too much and feel totally stuffed……………..wonder if I’ll have enough willpower to forgo supper’s usual toast and peanut butter???  (Nope, I doubt it either! L).

Tomorrow I promise that Endeavour will make an outing somewhere.  He frowns at me each night as if to say “Hmmm, not impressed, sitting alone in here all day”! 
Wishing you all a good night, symptom free, or at least less and sweet dreams to all.  X

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