Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Goodbye California

Well, it's been a long time since I last wrote.
I'll be driving up Interstate 5 tomorrow heading back to Canada as my visa expires on 28th January and I've got 3 days to drive about 1400 miles!
Hope the Canadians let me back in!!

Once I'm back with decent internet I can update this better and get some photos up.  It's been an amazing time in California and Arizona, particularly Joshua Tree National Park
Amazing Trees!!

The Salton Sea in California
Looking west over the Salton Sea at sunset

Furnace Creek campground

Death Valley

and Organ Pipe Cactus Monument in Arizona, right on the Mexican border.
Had an amazing time with my friends, old and new!  Now to arrange a 6 month visa and come back.....

Hope 2010 is going well for everyone.